3DWorld (240/293)

From:Robert Kihl
Date:25 Apr 2000 at 18:04:26
Subject:Re: monitor errors

On 24-Apr-00, Thomas Frieden wrote:

> I never saw it on a 603, but reports from our beta testers confirmed that
> it was around 15 fps. Can you please try the following: Go to 320x240,
> reduce the screen size to stamp size (i.e. pressing '-' several time), and
> do a timerefresh. This number is approximately the speed of the geometry
> itself, not the fillrate of the chip. If that's substantially higher than
> the full screen version, it's something wrong with the graphics board.

Ok, when doing timerefresh at the beggining I get:

stamp size - 13.6 fps
320x240 - 13.6 fps
400x300 - 13.6 fps
512x384 - 13.6 fps
640x480 - 12.2 fps
800x600 - 9.8 fps

Seams like the 603 keeps it at 13.6 fps, can there be something wrong with
my WOS settings or is this the speed I will get? Any way to make it run

Btw, it is faster now with the BvisionPPC monitor file :)


Robert Kihl